Голос Америки Українською - 90th Anniversary Holodomor Commemoration in Colorado

Two weeks ago, on November 18th, members of Ukrainians of Colorado gathered in multiple cities to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the Holodomor. Ukrainians of Colorado gathered in Denver, Castle Rock and Colorado Springs for this event.

The YouTube channel, Голос Америки Українською, The Voice of America in Ukrainian, interviewed multiple members of Ukrainians of Colorado. Each member shares a unique story of their family and ancestor’s connection to the Holodomor, and how they survived it. These stories are what carry on the tragedy that Ukraine has lived through, and we must honor those that were killed in this genocide, and carry on the stories of the survivors.

Thank you Горос Америки Українською for interviewing us and sharing what we do here in Colorado for our Ukrainian community.


Welcome to the American School Event


Happy Thanksgiving